Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception Castodia | Connect Spread Sheets to Databases

Data Connectivity, Machine Learning, Data Science, Query Log, Business Intelligence San Francisco, CA, United States


Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception

Castodia | Connect Spread Sheets to Databases


Data Connectivity, Machine Learning, Data Science, Query Log, Business Intelligence

San Francisco, CA, United States

We connect spreadsheets to live databases, data warehouses, and APIs to simplify data analysis. Castodia is backed by Y Combinator.Set refresh frequency to every day, every few hours, or every few minutes. Down to once every 1 minute.Auto refresh data daily, weekly, monthly or yearly with fully customizable schedules.Run, save and schedule queries all from within Google Sheets using a clean and intuitive interface.Run long/complex queries that take minutes to run. Fearlessly run large queries without unexpected errors.Get query reports for reporting, privacy, and compliance. Keep track of queries ran.


   Total Funding: $150 K

   Funding Stage: Seed

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2C, B2B

   Company Size: 1 to 25

   Founded: 2019


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Jimmy E. Chan

Jimmy E. Chan
Co-Founder & CEO

Ayazhan Zhakhan

Ayazhan Zhakhan


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