Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception Lazy Co. | Aind Ring- The First Wearable that Knows What You Want

Consumer Electronics, Hardware, Product Design, Data Science Newark, DE, United States

Lazy Co.

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception

Lazy Co. | Aind Ring- The First Wearable that Knows What You Want

Lazy Co.

Consumer Electronics, Hardware, Product Design, Data Science

Newark, DE, United States

Lazy Co is a UX focused Consumer hardware company that builds products to make humans more efficient at everyday tasks. Their first product Aina, is an AI powered smart ring that redefines the way we control our lives, the next step in Human Computer Interaction beyond Touchsreens and Smart Speakers. Because you, like any other creature on the planet, are designed to prefer an easier and faster way to get a regular task done. We call this natural preference of getting things done “the lazier way”. We are a team of Designers, Data Scientists and Engineers from IISc Bangalore, India designing the laziest ways to get daily tasks done. Our first product Aina, redefines the way we use smartphones. Aina is an AI powered smart ring that is a magical Input/Output device for your smartphone. Aina predicts shortcuts for you based on your phone usage habits so you can book cabs, control smart home and unlock devices instantly. Aina also lets you take phone calls from your fingers, make payments, control presentations and much more. Being upto 7x faster than your phone touchscreen at doing regular tasks, Aina redefines the way you have been using Smartphones.


   Total Funding: $129.6 K

   Funding Stage: Funded

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2C, B2B

   Company Size: 1 to 25

   Founded: 2017


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Apoorv Shankar

Apoorv Shankar
Co-Founder and CEO

Yogansh Namdeo

Yogansh Namdeo
Chief Technology Officer


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