Myndlift provides innovative tools for enhancing cognitive abilities without involving medications, and no side-effects, by relying on a powerful, evidence-based technique in the most affordable, and easily-accessible way. We at Myndlift want to offer a therapist-guided neurofeedback solution where patients can do the training from home while being monitored by certified therapists, thus loweing the costs to make this solution accessible to the wider public.
Myndlift is provides better brain health using brain sensing technology. Myndlift provides innovative tools for enhancing cognitive abilities, as well as serving as an alternative for ADHD treatment without involving medications, and no side-effects, by relying on a powerful, evidence-based technique in the most affordable, and easily-accessible way.
Total Funding: $2 M
Funding Stage: Seed
Business Stage: Scaling Up
Market: B2C, B2B
Company Size: 1 to 25
Founded: 2014
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Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
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Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
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Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
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Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
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