Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception Nanobile | Smart Urban & Rural Solutions

Information Services, Technology, Parking, Automotive, Mobility, Transportation Novi Sad, Serbia , Serbia


Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception

Nanobile | Smart Urban & Rural Solutions


Information Services, Technology, Parking, Automotive, Mobility, Transportation

Novi Sad, Serbia , Serbia

Nanobile is the award-wining Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence hardware and software development and manufacturing company focused on Smart City and CleanTech solutions, based in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Our hardware and software solutions are tailor-made to serve a wide range of users and systems. Our team pride themselves with tested and perfectly deployed products that are there to provide easy and secure traffic experience. We utilize a wide range of recycled materials and renewable energy sources with our services. One of our ongoing goals is to lower the impact that we and our users have on our planet. One of our key directions for development is constant improvement and investment in research and development projects. With an excellent products comes a desire to improve on it constantly, and this is exactly what we do.


   Total Funding: N/A

   Funding Stage: Seed

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2G, B2C, B2B

   Company Size: 1 to 25

   Founded: 2019


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Bogdan Ciric

Bogdan Ciric
Founder & CEO

Dragan Ilic

Dragan Ilic


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