Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception PerchPeek | AI Powered Property Renting

Real Estate, Internet, Rental Property, Marketplace, Globalmobility London, England, United Kingdom


Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception

PerchPeek | AI Powered Property Renting


Real Estate, Internet, Rental Property, Marketplace, Globalmobility

London, England, United Kingdom

Finding the right home in the right neighbourhood is hard enough. When you're in a new country, it can seem almost impossible. That's where PerchPeek comes in. We're an AI-powered Home Search Assistant, supporting you through your home search - from start to finish. PerchPeek uses AI to guide people through every stage of their relocation from search to settling in. It serves as an AI-powered home search assistant that makes it easier for flat-hunters to find a new home. We believe that everyone deserves a roof over their head. In many cities over the world, homelessness is an increasingly critical issue. We are building PerchPeek with a social conscience, contributing both financially and practically.


   Total Funding: $1.1 M

   Funding Stage: Seed

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2B2C, B2C

   Company Size: 1 to 25

   Founded: 2017


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Paul Bennett

Paul Bennett
Co-Founder & CEO

Oliver Markham

Oliver Markham

Dr. Aasis Vinayak

Dr. Aasis Vinayak
Co-founder and CTO


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