Qube Technologies (Qube) is an Alberta start-up developing low cost environmental surveillance technology to support the upstream oil and gas industry to cost effectively detect, quantify and reduce methane emissions. Qube’s technology will help the industry meet the significant reduction targets of 45 % by 2023 put forward under Canadian regulations.Qube is developing an Internet of Things (IoT) device that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to cost effectively detect and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at oil and gas facilities.Our mission is to help oil and gas operators reduce greenhouse gas emissions by detecting emissions in real-time. Our technology uses machine learning, edge computing and state-of-art IoT devices to continuously and accurately measure and detect emissions.
Total Funding: CA$3 M
Funding Stage: Funded
Business Stage: Scaling Up
Market: B2B
Company Size: 1 to 25
Founded: 2018
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