Empowering everyone to achieve their educational goals.
StudySmarter is a leading EdTech start-up from Munich. As a spin-off of the TU Munich & LMU Munich, StudySmarter develops an intelligent and content-agnostic platform for lifelong learning. The StudySmarter learning platform was first published in 2018 and is currently used by more than 700,000 learners in the DACH region. StudySmarter has been voted the best EdTech start-up in Germany and Europe by university representatives and education experts. The Startup is headquartered in Munich and employs more than 30 people. StudySmarter's vision is to leverage state-of-the-art technology to empower everyone to achieve their educational goals.
Total Funding: N/A
Funding Stage: Seed
Business Stage: Scaling Up
Market: B2C
Company Size: 51 to 100
Founded: 2017
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Munich, Munich
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Munich, Munich
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Munich, Munich
UI / UX Designer
Munich, Munich
Web Developer - Wordpress
Munich, Munich
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