Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Natural Language Processing Analytics2Go | Supply Chain Management Solution Platform

Machine Learning, Software, Augmented Analytics, Data Science, Data Analytics Sarasota, FL, United States


Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Natural Language Processing

Analytics2Go | Supply Chain Management Solution Platform


Machine Learning, Software, Augmented Analytics, Data Science, Data Analytics

Sarasota, FL, United States

Analytics2Go offers an automated Machine Learning platform for enterprise-level companies and SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses). Our automated platform leverages augmented analytics to uncover hidden, valuable business insights from your data that go beyond simple graphs and reports. We all have a shared passion for analytics, and we do not like doing book reports or reporting about great data science insights that people cannot figure how to use effectively. We want companies to benefit from the analytic insights we discover. However, for many companies, it can be difficult to go from insight to results. The practice of data science is generally pretty far removed from the work of most company decision makers, who focus more on the what, when and how of their businesses. Data scientists are mostly concerned with the why. Why does performance fluctuate? What drives these fluctuations? Are the fluctuations driven by similar factors across the entire scope of the business, or are they the same across all customer segments? Usually, the answer is no. Data scientists focus on identifying and understanding the behavior of significant business drivers. 


   Total Funding: $4M

   Funding Stage: Seed

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2C, B2B

   Company Size: 26 to 50

   Founded: 2017


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Mike Romeri

Mike Romeri

Stephen Hutson

Stephen Hutson

Rafael Fernandes Fanchini

Rafael Fernandes Fanchini
Co-founder and Chief Product Officer


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