We help data scientists build more trustworthy AI badook provides a test automation and monitoring platform designed to validate the integrity of the data continuously as it is being introduced into a system. When unexpected or suspicious data is introduced, badook will notify your data, security and business teams. badook empowers them with the context and tools to interrogate the root cause and make informed decisions on how to respond. Our solution brings together best practices from data quality, ML, DevOps and software engineering and empowers organisations to own the quality of their data. badook's solutions reduce the immense costs associated with corrupted or bad data that weaken the quality of the model and might even ruin it. We monitor the model development process and helps to protect it from such errors.
Total Funding: A$50K
Funding Stage: Pre-Seed
Business Stage: Scaling Up
Market: B2C, B2B
Company Size: 1 to 25
Founded: 2017
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