James Tip focuses in the stock and dimensions to avoid ruptures and excess using artificial intelligence. James indicates when, how much and which products to buy, streamlining their decision-making. Predicting future sales, and coupled with the dynamic inventory policy calculated for each SKU, James will indicate how many units must be purchased from each SKU so that there is no break. Based on his future sale and his current stock, James highlights which products are in excess, suggesting actions to dispose of that stock. With James’s additional selling suggestions, you’ll be able to explore the product’s consumer behavior to sell even more. If you want to reduce your product mix. Use James Tip's unique product classification to find out which products you should focus on, and which ones you can leave behind. Stop shopping in the dark. The science behind James Tip answers the buyer's questions, making the buying process easier. Make your buyer more strategic by leaving the heavy lifting to James.
Total Funding: R$150 K
Funding Stage: Seed
Business Stage: Scaling Up
Market: B2B
Company Size: 1 to 25
Founded: 2017
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