Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception StoryBrain | AI optimised Images for Better UX

Computer Software, Machine Learning, Images Singapore , Singapore


Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Machine Perception

StoryBrain | AI optimised Images for Better UX


Computer Software, Machine Learning, Images

Singapore , Singapore

Deliver the most captivating version of your content.

StoryBrain is an application programming interface that transforms the way images are consumed, improving user experience by using optimized images generated through AI. 

Visual content take almost all of our interfaces & can influence how one experience a website or app! Use StoryBrain to deliver better images!


   Total Funding: N/A

   Funding Stage: Pre-Seed

   Business Stage: Scaling Up

   Market: B2C, B2B

   Company Size: 1 to 25

   Founded: 2019


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Rakesh BS

Rakesh BS

Jibin Mathew

Jibin Mathew


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